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National Agricultural Aviation Association eNewsletter
Voice of the Aerial Application Industry
September 5, 2014
NAAA, SBA File Comments on Agricultural Worker Protection Standard

On August 15 NAAA filed comments on the EPA’s proposed revisions to the Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS). In the comments, NAAA outlined concerns we had with the many unnecessary and burdensome provisions EPA has proposed. Additionally, NAAA believes EPA's proposal does not take into account the current WPS ability to protect workers and commonplace aerial application industry technology, techniques and practices utilized to protect farm workers and handlers.


The biggest concern to NAAA proposed by EPA’s WPS revisions would require a 100-foot aerial entry restriction area around fields at the time of application regardless of wind direction.  Other concerns include stringent requirements for closed system loading equipment and federal requirements for exchanged communication by an applicator to the farmer within two hours of any programmatic changes to the application.  NAAA’s comments addressing its concerns with the proposal may be found by clicking here.


The U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Advocacy (Advocacy) also submitted comments on the WPS. NAAA worked with SBA Advocacy and issued its concerns with the EPA WPS proposal to help them develop their comments to the EPA.  SBA Advocacy has done a lot of good work on NAAA’s behalf to protect our small businesses from proposed regulations that don’t adequately take into account the unique operating environment of small businesses. SBA Advocacy’s comments included recommending farms be exempt from the 100-foot buffer requirement, removing the requirement that operators share information with non-specified “authorized representatives” and expanding the definition of “immediate family” to include additional relatives that may work on a family-run facility. SBA Advocacy also helped to file down a number of the serrated edges of EPA’s initial proposed National Pollution Discharge Elimination System – Pesticide General Permit (NPDES-PGP) that would have required even more burdensome regulations than those currently imposed on operators.


NAAA remains committed to working to ensure the EPA does not impose the burdensome regulatory requirements outlined in the WPS proposal as it was published in the Federal Register. We will continue to keep membership updated as developments warrant. 

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NAAA, SBA File Comments on Agricultural Worker Protection Standard
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NAAA, WNAAA, NAAREF Board Meetings Oct. 10-12
September 23

A Washington AA Fly-In

Gavin Morse

September 25–26

Idaho AAA Fly-In

Katie Baker
October 7

A Montana AA Operation S.A.F.E. Spray Clinic   

Lewistown Airport, Lewistown MT
Analysts: Scott Bretthauer (217) 840-3028
and Tim Shamblin (208) 431-4795
Local Contact: Colleen Campbell (406) 463-2268
October 10

Fall 2014 NAAA, NAAREF, WNAAA Board Meetings   

Westin Long Beach
Long Beach, CA
Book online or call 1-800-WESTIN1 or 562-436-3000
Room Block Closes: Sept. 16
NAAA Contact:
Lindsay Barber (202) 546-5722

Full Calendar of Events



NPDES PGP Compliance Tools
MET-Marking Warning Letters
Wind Tower Outreach Tools
BASF’s Operation S.A.F.E. Incentive Program Application

Agricultural Aviation Career Poster—Printing Files
NAAA Media Relations Kit
Ag Aviation 101 Presentation
Aerial Applicator’s Manual
2013 ASABE Presentations

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National Agricultural Aviation Association