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October 26, 2017
EPA Reverses Stance on Cuts to Ethanol Mandates

Aerial applicators treat approximately 7.8 million acres of corn and 4.4 million acres of soybean each year.

After intense backlash from corn-state senators, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt reversed his position on cutting renewable fuel mandates for next year. In a letter dated Oct. 19, Pruitt said the agency will keep 2018 renewable fuel volume mandates at or above proposed levels.


The reversal comes after strong criticism from Midwestern senators. President Trump also called Administrator Pruitt and told him to “back off” on any plan that would reduce federal mandates for corn-based ethanol and biodiesel made from soybeans. The letter also said the EPA would not alter the policy that strips renewable fuel standard credits from exported ethanol, and would explore allowing the year-round sale of gasoline with 15 percent ethanol nationwide.


Aerial applicators treat approximately 7.8 million acres of corn and 4.4 million acres of soybean each year.


Iowa Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley threatened to withhold support for Trump’s nominee to lead EPA's Office of Air and Radiation, which oversees the Renewable Fuel Standard. After receiving the letter, Sen. Ernst said she is ready to vote in favor of the nomination.  


Iowa is the nation's top corn producer and consistently ranks first or second in soybean production. Iowa also leads the nation in biofuel production with 43 ethanol refineries and 12 biodiesel plants.


Oil refiners, who have long complained about the cost of implementing the program, were disappointed in the administrator’s reversal. Pruitt has been considered an oil industry ally since he began fighting Obama-era carbon emissions restrictions while the attorney general of Oklahoma. 


The EPA is due to release final biofuel volume mandates by Nov. 30.

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