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Voice of the Aerial Application Industry
February 4, 2021
FAA’s 2019 General Aviation Survey Results Reveal Important Ag Aviation Statistics
The results from the 2019 FAA General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey (GA Survey) have been released. Ag aviators flew a total of 873,552 hours in 2019, down slightly from 2018 during which ag aviation registered 902,885 flight hours. Read More
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FAA Decides not to Extend COVID-related SFAR 118 Airman Certificate Extensions Again
NAAA has been notified that the FAA has chosen not to further extend SFAR 118. The FAA first issued this special regulation in April of 2020 to provide relief to airmen and other certificate holders who were having trouble completing recurrency training and recertification requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More
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Membership Grace Period Ends Soon! Renew by Feb. 15 to Continue Receiving Benefits

Thank you for your support as a 2020 member! If you have not yet renewed, your membership grace period ends on Feb. 15. Do we have your support for 2021? Read More

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NAAA & NAAREF Board Meetings Take Place Next Week
The NAAA and NAAREF Board Meetings Feb. 11-13 are limited in attendance due to the state of Virginia’s social distancing regulations at the hotel. As such, the NAAA and NAAREF Board, as well as Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs are invited to attend the board meeting in person; appointees will participate virtually. Read More
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In Case You Missed It!
Biden Promptly Signs Executive Orders Addressing the Environment, Wages and Health
On Jan. 20, President Biden signed an executive order rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement. He also signed an order requiring the review of Trump administration rules titled “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis.” Specific regs subject to the review include several pertinent to aerial applicators. Read More
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Louisiana Ag Aviator Killed in First Fatal Accident of 2021
Carl Hill was fatally injured in an agricultural aviation accident on Jan. 19. The accident occurred in northern Tensas Parish in Louisiana. Carl was an agricultural aviator for 48 years and founded his operation, Tensas Flying Service, in 2004. Read More
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Leaded Aviation Fuel Emissions Report Released by National Academy of Sciences
The National Academy of Sciences recently released the report “Options for Reducing Lead Emissions from Piston-Engine Aircraft.” The report encourages multiple strategies to reduce lead emissions from small aircraft. While acknowledging the difficulties with finding a suitable fuel alternative, the report finds that a non-leaded aviation fuel is still the ideal solution. In the meantime, the report recommends mitigating strategies. Read More
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Winter 2021 Issue of Agricultural Aviation Now Online!
The Winter 2021 issue of Agricultural Aviation is now available online and in the Agricultural Aviation Magazine App. The cover story profiles 2021 NAAA President Mark Kimmel. Additional features include tributes to the 2020 NAAA Award recipients, highlights from the 2020 Ag Aviation Expo, a review of ag aviation accidents in 2020 and much more! Read More
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Update Your Information for 2021 Membership Directory
Have you moved or changed employers since you renewed your 2021 NAAA membership? Allied companies, have you reviewed your company description lately? Ensure your listing in the 2021 NAAA Membership Directory is correct today by logging into your account. If any information has changed, please let us know right away. Read More
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FAA’s 2019 General Aviation Survey Results Reveal Important Ag Aviation Statistics
FAA Decides not to Extend COVID-related SFAR 118 Airman Certificate Extensions Again
Membership Grace Period Ends Soon! Renew by Feb. 15 to Continue Receiving Benefits
NAAA & NAAREF Board Meetings Take Place Next Week
In Case You Missed It!
Biden Promptly Signs Executive Orders Addressing the Environment, Wages and Health
Louisiana Ag Aviator Killed in First Fatal Accident of 2021
Leaded Aviation Fuel Emissions Report Released by National Academy of Sciences
Winter 2021 Issue of Agricultural Aviation Now Online!
Update Your Information for 2021 Membership Directory

February 7-9

North Carolina AAA Convention

Hilton Garden Inn Oceanfront

Kitty Hawk, NC

Leslie Craft

(252) 426-9676

Full Calendar of Events


COVID-19 Resources
Agricultural Aviation Mag.
NAAA/NAAREF Safety Videos
Tower Outreach Tools
Tower Marking Warning Letters
Shooting-Response Checklist
NAAA UAV Safety Stuffers
NAAA UAV Encounter Checklist
NAAA Media Relations Kit
NAAA Award Nominations
Ag Aviation 101 Presentation
NAAA Professional Operating Guidelines Booklet
Aerial Applicator’s Manual
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National Agricultural Aviation Association, 1440 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 202-546-5722 | Fax: 202-546-5726 |

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National Agricultural Aviation Association