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National Agricultural Aviation Association eNewsletter
Voice of the Aerial Application Industry
July 7, 2022
In Case You Missed It!
We All Have a Telling History: Use Yours and NAAA’s Materials to Broadly Communicate Agricultural Aviation’s
By Andrew Moore, NAAA CEO

If you are an active citizen in the world of aerial application, don’t be a static audience member during this epic, year-long centennial event. Take the stage with us and bring out your inner thespian as we enunciate the gospel of agricultural aviation to the public.

If you are an active citizen in the world of aerial application, don’t be a static audience member during this epic centennial event. Take the stage with us and bring out your inner thespian as we enunciate the gospel of agricultural aviation to the public. 


History is not just documenting famous or infamous people, times and events. We all have a history—a story to tell about ourselves that can contribute to the next and future generations’ betterment. One could also believe that sharing our history is one of the meanings of life—to improve and evolve our world by sharing the key to living a good life and sharing the hazards and obstacles that may hinder such living.


NAAA has reached the climax in the centennial epic of sharing our industry’s history to the public, which of course was Aug. 3, 2021. But just because the official 100th anniversary date is behind us doesn’t mean all efforts to share the importance of our industry to the public have passed you by. We are celebrating the centennial of agricultural aviation for an entire year. We continue to reach out to policymakers, our brethren in the fields of agriculture and aviation, to the trade press, to the public and to the national news media. We continue to share our history of improving the cultivation of food, fiber and bioenergy consumed globally and how we’ve learned from harrowing experiences and evolved technologically to fine-tune our craft, use less product to cover more acres and better care for Mother Earth. We are continuing to use all types of media to educate the public—three different length video documentaries, a comprehensive book of our history, social, print, trade and news media releases and a special website,, to share the 10-decade story of ag aviation and we will continue to due so through July of 2022.


If you are an active citizen in the world of aerial application—whether an operator, pilot, crew member, service-parts-equipment provider or related tangentially to the industry in another way—don’t be a static audience member during this epic, year-long centennial event. Take the stage with us as we enunciate the gospel of agricultural aviation to the public. Inform your local television stations, newspapers and radio stations about the industry’s 100th anniversary, even if it is by simply directing them to On that site, there is a “Get Involved” tab with a draft press release about the 100th that discusses the importance of the industry, its progressive evolution, and directs readers to to learn more. Feel free to cater that press release to your own operation and experience and send it to your local news outlets.


You can also brush up on the ag aviation script about the importance of ag aviation, environmental safeguards that are common practice today and other industry talking points on NAAA’s media relations kit webpage that may be found here.


The media relations kit also includes suggestions on how to best communicate to the media and public when espousing ag aviation’s significance. If you don’t feel comfortable communicating directly, no worries. NAAA staff and an assortment of ag aviation ambassadors can be used as understudies and take over that role, but do make sure the public and news media in your area are informed of our centennial milestone to maximize the value of this pivotal once-in-a-lifetime event. 

Don’t forget, we all have a great story to tell about this industry. Whether it is how one got into the industry; the training to fine-tune ag aircraft and the application equipment; how ag aviation provides to local employment and the local economy; or how after five generations, our technology and experience are such that we produce more per acre, showing that our care for the environment continues to progress—all of these anecdotes are both important and fascinating to public audiences.

It’s up to us all to tell the story to continue this industry’s remarkable legacy. And again, just because the official anniversary date has occurred, our centennial lasts a year and you can still contribute plenty. Please join the ag aviation cast for this once-in-a-100-year performance that is leading to glowing public reviews and will continue to do so throughout the year.

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This newsletter is intended for NAAA members only. NAAA requests that should any party desire to publish, distribute or quote any part of this newsletter that they first seek the permission of the Association. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA), its Board of Directors, staff or membership. Items in this newsletter are not the result of paid advertising and are only meant to highlight newsworthy developments. No endorsement by NAAA is intended or implied.
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Operation S.A.F.E. Analyst Training August 2022 in Lonoke, Arkansas
NAAA-NAAREF Board Meetings Oct.7-8 in Oklahoma City
In Case You Missed It!
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NAAA & Air Tractor to Exhibit at AirVenture 2022 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Industry Forum July 25 at 10 a.m.
FAA Considering Issuing AD for STC Airplanes with TPE331 Engines
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AD Issued for PT6A-34, -34B, -34AG, -114 and -114A Turboprop Engines with Specific CT Vanes and Blades
Seek ‘Ag Wings of Tomorrow’ Scholarship by Aug. 31
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Exhibitor Details for the 2022 Ag Aviation Expo: Booth Sales Open July 14
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We All Have a Telling History: Use Yours and NAAA’s Materials to Broadly Communicate Agricultural Aviation’s
NAAA Releases Book of the Century! Buy It Today

July 9

July 25-31

AirVenture 2022

Oshkosh, WI


July 26-27

2022 InfoAg Conference

(NAAA members may use promo code FERT22 at checkout to register at the TFI member rate)

St. Louis, MO

Alice McKinnon,
The Fertilizer Institute

(202) 515-2707

Full Calendar of Events
2022 Ag Aviation Expo Hotel Info
NAAA Award Nomination Forms
Agriculture’s Air Force Book
Aerial Applicators’ Growing Role Video Download Files
100th Anniversary Press Room
GPS Data Collection Project to Protect Ag Aircraft from Drones
2022 NAAA “Ag Wings of Tomorrow” Scholarship
Agricultural Aviation Mag.
NAAA/NAAREF Safety Videos
Customizable Aerial Application DIY Press Releases
NAAA Media Relations Kit
Aerial Application Tax Tips
Tower Outreach Tools
Tower Marking Warning Letters
Shooting-Response Checklist
NAAA UAV Safety Stuffers
NAAA UAV Encounter Checklist
Ag Aviation 101 Presentation
NAAA Professional Operating Guidelines Booklet
Aerial Applicator’s Manual
Contact Us
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National Agricultural Aviation Association, 1440 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 202-546-5722 | Fax: 202-546-5726 |

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National Agricultural Aviation Association