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National Agricultural Aviation Association eNewsletter
Voice of the Aerial Application Industry
June 22, 2017
NAAA Ad Promoting Members’ Ag Aviation Services Hits CropLife Magazine

NAAA’s ad campaign promoting the importance of aerial application has hit high gear. A full-page ad on the abounding results aerial applicators deliver appears in this month’s issue of CropLife magazine, a heavily circulated publication that goes to crop producers and consultants. If you receive CropLife, be sure to check out the ad on pg. 15 of its June issue.

The theme of the ad campaign is, “Aerial Application: Above All Other Forms of Crop Care.” The ads promote how aerial application is by far the fastest, most versatile and economical way to aid farmers in producing greater crop yields. The call to action directs readers to find an aerial applicator near them using NAAA’s “Find an Aerial Applicator” database of NAAA member operators.


NAAA’s ad campaign promoting aerial application services debuted in May with a series of ads in the email newsletter CropLife News. The weekly eNewsletter ads ran for six weeks, concluding with the June 7 issue of CropLife News. The print phase of the ad campaign began this month and will conclude with a half-page ad in CropLife magazine’s July issue. This ad campaign, along with the “Find an Aerial Applicator” database, is a service NAAA is providing to operator members to help promote their businesses. 
From ag retailers and dealers to custom applicators, co-ops and crop advisers, CropLife’s readership largely consists of key decision makers and influencers who make recommendations to growers. More than 90 percent of the Midwest has its plant nutrition and crop protection chemicals applied by retailers. Seventy-two percent of CropLife readers are involved with the initiation or purchase of these products. CropLife’s magazine readership includes nearly 18,000 retailers/dealers, distributors, custom applicators or co-ops of crop inputs and more than 2,000 crop consultants/advisors. CropLife News comes out on Wednesdays and has 20,600 email subscribers. According to CropLife Media Group, 78 percent of its online readers are responsible for making purchasing decisions.

Update Your ‘Find an Aerial Applicator’ Listing

The “Find an Aerial Applicator” lookup tool gives NAAA Operator, Affiliated Operator and Lifetime Operator members the option of promoting their services to farmers and other potential customers by listing their company in NAAA’s narrowly tailored public database. The database only provides enough information to give farmers, municipalities and others who may need the services of an aerial applicator a mechanism to locate and contact the NAAA operators nearest to them. Search results from the public database return the name of the company, the business number on file, the operator’s city and state, and the aerial application operation’s website, if there is one. “Find an Aerial Applicator’s” public search results do not identify NAAA operator members by name or divulge their physical address, email address or cell phone number. 
“NAAA’s search tool can be found at or on any page of NAAA’s website by clicking on the “Find Aerial Applicator” link in the upper right-hand corner. To ensure your information is up to date, you can log in to and, once logged in, you can update your listing with a logo, edit your listing or opt-out of the database. Operator, Affiliated Operator and Lifetime Operator members are free to opt-out or opt back in at any time.
If you need assistance with updating your information, please contact the NAAA office at (202) 546-5722 or
To explore NAAA’s “Find an Aerial Applicator” database, click  here.
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This newsletter is intended for NAAA members only. NAAA requests that should any party desire to publish, distribute or quote any part of this newsletter that they first seek the permission of the Association. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA), its Board of Directors, staff or membership. Items in this newsletter are not the result of paid advertising and are only meant to highlight newsworthy developments. No endorsement by NAAA is intended or implied.
Clemson Clears S.C. Aerial Applicator of Wrongdoing in Spray Job Near School
Oregon County Landowner Challenges Aerial Spray Prohibition
NAAA Ad Promoting Members’ Ag Aviation Services Hits CropLife Magazine
Members of Congress Support NAAA Initiative to Prevent Age Restrictions on Qualified Applicators
Ag Wings of Tomorrow Scholarship Entries Due Aug. 31
Attention, Exhibitors! Booth Sales Begin July 11 for 2017 Ag Aviation Expo
September 25–29
Operation S.A.F.E. Analyst Training
La Junta, CO
(405) 377-4299 or (501) 676-1762 
September 28–29
Colorado AAA Operation S.A.F.E.
La Junta Municipal Airport (KLHX)
30267 1st Avenue
La Junta, CO 81050
October 6–7
NAAA and NAAREF Board Meetings
Marriott Plaza San Antonio
555 South Alamo Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
October 11–12
Michigan AAA Annual Meeting
Lansing, MI
Tim Swanson
(989) 292-1362

Full Calendar of Events


Ag Aviation Expo Hotel Info
NPDES PGP Compliance Tools
Tower-Marking Warning Letters
Tower Outreach Tools
NAAA “Ag Wings of Tomorrow” Scholarship Application
NAAA Award Nominations
Agricultural Aviation Mag.
NAAA Media Relations Kit
Ag Aviation 101 Presentation
Agricultural Aviation Career Poster—Printing Files
NAAA Professional Operating Guidelines
Aerial Applicator's Manual
2016 AAT Research Presentations
2016 Convention Photos
Contact Us
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National Agricultural Aviation Association, 1440 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 202-546-5722 | Fax: 202-546-5726 |

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National Agricultural Aviation Association