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Voice of the Aerial Application Industry
June 22, 2017
Clemson Clears S.C. Aerial Applicator of Wrongdoing in Spray Job Near School

Clemson University’s Department of Pesticide Regulation has determined that a South Carolina aerial applicator’s application near an elementary school was “performed in a lawful manner,” effectively clearing the applicator of violating any pesticide laws in what became a high-profile incident after school officials canceled outdoor activities after the pilot sprayed a nearby field during school hours. Read More

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Oregon County Landowner Challenges Aerial Spray Prohibition

A few weeks after the final ballots in Lincoln County, Ore., were counted and a slim majority of voters decided to effectively ban aerial application in the county, Rex Capri, a Lincoln County landowner, has filed a lawsuit arguing that a ban on aerial pesticide spraying in the county is preempted by state law. Read More

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NAAA Ad Promoting Members’ Ag Aviation Services Hits CropLife Magazine

NAAA’s ad campaign promoting the importance of aerial application has hit high gear. A full-page ad on the abounding results aerial applicators deliver appears in this month’s CropLife magazine. Read More

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Members of Congress Support NAAA Initiative to Prevent Age Restrictions on Qualified Applicators
A group of congressmen have signed a letter to EPA Administrator Pruitt asking him to prevent age restrictions on qualified pesticide applicators through the certification and training rule. NAAA worked with Congressman Bob Gibbs’ (R-OH) office to both draft the letter and get members of Congress to sign it. Read More
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Ag Wings of Tomorrow Scholarship Entries Due Aug. 31

From seeking a mentor to finding the funds for training, the road to becoming an ag pilot is fraught with obstacles, but having $5,000 in training money certainly helps. This year the odds of receiving a scholarship from NAAA are better than ever. Under its new “Ag Wings of Tomorrow” Scholarship Program, NAAA will award up to five flight training scholarships worth a combined $22,500. Read More

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Attention, Exhibitors! Booth Sales Begin July 11 for 2017 Ag Aviation Expo

We look forward to seeing you at the 2017 Ag Aviation Expo in Savannah, Ga., Dec. 4–7 at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center. Booth sales for 10x10 and 10x20 space will begin on July 11; large booth space is already on sale. Attendee registration opens July 5. Read More

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Clemson Clears S.C. Aerial Applicator of Wrongdoing in Spray Job Near School
Oregon County Landowner Challenges Aerial Spray Prohibition
NAAA Ad Promoting Members’ Ag Aviation Services Hits CropLife Magazine
Members of Congress Support NAAA Initiative to Prevent Age Restrictions on Qualified Applicators
Ag Wings of Tomorrow Scholarship Entries Due Aug. 31
Attention, Exhibitors! Booth Sales Begin July 11 for 2017 Ag Aviation Expo
September 25–29
Operation S.A.F.E. Analyst Training
La Junta, CO
(405) 377-4299 or (501) 676-1762 
September 28–29
Colorado AAA Operation S.A.F.E.
La Junta Municipal Airport (KLHX)
30267 1st Avenue
La Junta, CO 81050
October 6–7
NAAA and NAAREF Board Meetings
Marriott Plaza San Antonio
555 South Alamo Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
October 11–12
Michigan AAA Annual Meeting
Lansing, MI
Tim Swanson
(989) 292-1362

Full Calendar of Events


Ag Aviation Expo Hotel Info
NPDES PGP Compliance Tools
Tower-Marking Warning Letters
Tower Outreach Tools
NAAA “Ag Wings of Tomorrow” Scholarship Application
NAAA Award Nominations
Agricultural Aviation Mag.
NAAA Media Relations Kit
Ag Aviation 101 Presentation
Agricultural Aviation Career Poster—Printing Files
NAAA Professional Operating Guidelines
Aerial Applicator's Manual
2016 AAT Research Presentations
2016 Convention Photos
Contact Us
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National Agricultural Aviation Association, 1440 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 202-546-5722 | Fax: 202-546-5726 |

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National Agricultural Aviation Association