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Voice of the Aerial Application Industry
January 30, 2020
EPA & Corps Release New WOTUS Rule

On Jan. 23, 2020, EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers unveiled the Trump Administration’s revised “Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS)” rule. The new definition of federally protected water bodies is far narrower than the 2015 Obama administration rule which dramatically expanded the reach of federal jurisdiction over rivers, streams and wetlands and in turn the scope of waters where NPDES permitting applies, including aerial application of pesticides. NAAA was among thousands of stakeholders that submitted comments in 2017 in support of repealing the 2015 Rule. Read More

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NAAA Receives Best of NAMA Award for Aerial Application Ad Campaign

NAAA is pleased to announce that its Aerial Application: Above All Other Forms of Crop Care” advertisement series that were placed in trade publications in 2019 has received a Best of NAMA Merit Award in the Print Advertising category for Region Five, which includes Southeastern and Midsouth states. Read More

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NAAA Continues to Fight for Aerial Applications of Chlorpyrifos in New York

In early 2019 the State Senate and Assembly of New York passed a bill that would ban the aerial application of chlorpyrifos in the State of New York. The bill was sent to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for him to either sign into law or veto. If it had been signed, the use of chlorpyrifos would be phased out aerially by Dec. 1, 2021. In response to this situation, NAAA sent a letter to Governor Cuomo explaining why it is imperative the governor vetoes the bill. Read More

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NAAA Supports Rezoning the Application Exclusion Zone Based on Wind Direction

Yesterday NAAA submitted comments supporting EPA’s proposed revisions to the Application Exclusion Zone (AEZ) regulation, which was part of the updated Worker Protection Standards (WPS) released in 2015. The AEZ was proposed by the EPA to be a “bubble” around the sprayer that traveled with it as the sprayer moved during the application, and people would be protected by not entering the bubble. Under existing regulations, individuals cannot be within the AEZ, even if the AEZ extends beyond the farm owners property line. AEZ applies to ground, airblast, and aerial applications. Read More

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Several Bills Introduced in Oregon Legislature Would Unfairly Target Aerial Application

As the 2020 session of the Oregon legislature ramps up, several bills have been introduced that would be detrimental to agriculture and aerial application in the state.Oregon State Rep. Paul Holvey (D-Eugene) introduced HB 4109 that would immediately ban the aerial application of Chlorpyrifos upon the bill’s passage. HB 4109 would also add 300-foot buffer zones around any campus or school for all forms of aerial application. Read More

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NAAA and NAAREF Board Meetings Feb. 13-15

We look forward to seeing you Feb. 13‒15 at the NAAA and NAAREF Board Meetings. All meetings are open to NAAA members. The Westin Alexandria will host our February board meetings. The Westin Alexandria is a three-block walk from the King Street Metro stop (take either Blue or Yellow Line), which is the second stop south of Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA). Read More

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It’s that Time Again: Renew Your Membership Today!

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NAAHOF Accepting Nominations for 2021 Induction into Hall of Fame

The National Agricultural Aviation Hall of Fame (NAAHOF) Nomination Board has changed its procedure for evaluating candidates for induction into the NAA Hall of Fame. Under the policy change, the Nominations Board will consider individuals one year before their induction to allow more time to deliberate on NAAHOF nominees’ credentials. NAAHOF has updated its nomination form accordingly and is accepting nominations for people who would be inducted in 2021. Nominations to be considered for induction into NAAHOF in 2021 are by due Sept. 1, 2020. Read More

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Colorado Aerial Applicators Win Major Victory Over Bogus Drift Cases, NAAA and COAAA Attorney Instrumental in Decision

In January 2019, three Colorado aerial applicators made the bold decision to fight alleged drift cases brought against them, knowing the claims had no basis in fact or science. After over a year of litigation, a final court order was issued Wednesday clearing the applicators of all wrongdoing.  Read More

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NAAA Requests EPA Verify Precision, Safety and Efficacy of Applications Made by Drones

Last week NAAA submitted a letter to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. The purpose of the letter was to urge the EPA to promptly evaluate UAS’ ability to make safe and precise and efficacious applications of pesticides, similarly to how other forms of application—ground, air-blast and single rotor and single propellered manned aircraft—were evaluated and tested in each pesticide active ingredient evaluation. UAS, in some instances, are now being used for making small-scale aerial applications, yet without being tested and modeled to determine drift potential. Read More

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Get Political at NAAA Spring Board Meeting! Support Candidates Championing Ag Aviation and Visit with Policymakers on Issues of Importance

In addition to the normal committee meetings and planning sessions that take place at NAAA Board of Directors Meetings, the spring board meeting is held every year in the Washington, D.C., area, giving attendees an opportunity to speak directly with their legislators and national policymakers. Additionally, NAAA also hosts an annual fundraising breakfast for the NAAA AgAv PAC. Get the most of out of your visit to Washington, D.C., by taking advantage of both these opportunities! Read More

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Don’t PAASS Up Safety and Have and Accident: Attend the 2019-2020 PAASS Program

The 2019-2020 PAAAS Program is ready to help you and the agricultural aviation industry improve safety, application accuracy and professionalism. Four modules will be given at state and regional agricultural aviation association meetings this fall and winter. Check the NAAA calendar and make sure you plan on attending. Read More

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EPA & Corps Release New WOTUS Rule
NAAA Receives Best of NAMA Award for Aerial Application Ad Campaign
NAAA Continues to Fight for Aerial Applications of Chlorpyrifos in New York
NAAA Supports Rezoning the Application Exclusion Zone Based on Wind Direction
Several Bills Introduced in Oregon Legislature Would Unfairly Target Aerial Application
NAAA and NAAREF Board Meetings Feb. 13-15
It’s that Time Again: Renew Your Membership Today!
NAAHOF Accepting Nominations for 2021 Induction into Hall of Fame
Colorado Aerial Applicators Win Major Victory Over Bogus Drift Cases, NAAA and COAAA Attorney Instrumental in Decision
NAAA Requests EPA Verify Precision, Safety and Efficacy of Applications Made by Drones
Get Political at NAAA Spring Board Meeting! Support Candidates Championing Ag Aviation and Visit with Policymakers on Issues of Importance
Don’t PAASS Up Safety and Have and Accident: Attend the 2019-2020 PAASS Program
Southeast Aero Cultural Fair (SEAF) Convention

February 3-5

Savannah, GA  

Linda Minton

(772) 465-0714


North Carolina AAA Annual Convention

February 9-10

Raleigh, NC 

Mike Rivenbark

(910) 279-7069


Tri-States Convention

February 10-12

St. Cloud, MN 

Terry Stieren

(952) 226-5874


NAAA & NAAREF Board Meetings

February 14-15

Alexandria, VA 

Lindsay Barber

(202) 546-5722


February 20-22

Canadian AAA Conference

Victoria, BC, Canada

Katherine Topolniski

(780) 413-0078

February 24-26

Nebraska ATA Convention

Kearney, NE 

Danea Pessel

(402) 761-2216


February 26

Ohio AAA State Meeting

Brian Gibbs

 (419) 332-1724

Full Calendar of Events


NPDES PGP Compliance Tools
NAAA/NAAREF Safety Videos
Agricultural Aviation Mag.
Tower Outreach Tools
Tower Marking Warning Letters
NAAA UAV Safety Stuffers
NAAA UAV Encounter Checklist
Shooting-Response Checklist
NAAA Media Relations Kit
Ag Aviation 101 Presentation
NAAA Professional Operating Guidelines Booklet
Aerial Applicators Manual
Contact Us
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National Agricultural Aviation Association, 1440 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 202-546-5722 | Fax: 202-546-5726 |

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National Agricultural Aviation Association